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Franchise leads for Franchisors, best franchise lead generation strategies

Franchise leads for Franchisors, best franchise lead generation strategies

Generating high quality, low cost franchise recruitment leads is always a challenge, so how do you generate leads for Franchisors & what are the best franchise lead generation strategies?

  • Franchise lead generation portalsFranchise lead generation portals are by far the most cost effective way to generate franchise leads and usually have the lowest Cost Per Lead ( CPL ) compared with other franchise lead generation methods.
  • Franchise events, franchise exhibitions – Franchising shows & exhibitions have seen their numbers of both exhibitors and visitors fall massively over the last 10 years. Understandable when you consider how we buy now, we search online first. Leads can be extremely expensive and exhibitors may spend thousands, even tens of thousands at a franchise show and not sell a franchise. That said the advantages of franchise exhibitions are you get to meet prospects face to face immediately, for many Franchisors if they convert just one into a franchisee they are happy with the return on investment. Because of the much higher CPL franchise events are a much higher risk than franchise lead generation portals.
  • Franchise digital marketing strategies – Driving traffic directly to your franchise recruitment website can be expensive in terms of CPL but can lead to very high quality leads and franchise sale conversions. Some of these lead generation strategies could include SEO, Pay Per Click ( PPC ), paid & organic social media marketing and SMS & e-shots. The key to success using digital marketing strategies for franchise leads is tracking, you must know what media led to the franchise lead, what the search term was and which of these converted into a franchise sale and at what cost. There are some great franchise lead tracking platforms out there that integrate with Google Analytics and this is essential before you commence any online franchise lead generation.
  • Use you existing resources – Do you have an existing franchise network? If so are you promoting the franchise on local websites, clothing, vans, flyers? Do you have a referral scheme and reward your existing franchisees if they generate franchise leads going about their daily business?
  • Blogging & PR – Allocate say an hour a week to write a franchise blog(s). You can use these blogs in many ways including your own website, e-shots, press releases, social media sharing to drive more franchise leads at no cost.

Above are just a few tips to help you boost quality franchise recruitment leads, we are experts at driving leads for Franchisors, to arrange a free review of your franchise lead generation strategy please complete the form below

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